Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A new year - BE BOLD!

It is the first day of 2019 and I want to feel hopeful.  I want to be bold.  Instead, I feel scared, misunderstood, lonely, and discouraged.    

When I chose my "one-word" for 2019; I was told by a few negative influences in my life, that “being bold" is stupid, vulnerable, and thoughtless.  

I want to give God glory and encourage others.  Today, I have pushed the 'backspace key' on my keyboard more times that I can count.  Do I allow the enemy to silence me?  Why the word BOLD?  What was I thinking when I chose that word to focus on for 2019?

BOLD /bold/ adjective (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risk; confident and courageous.  

I'm not sure I am bold enough to share my thoughts.  I've been told I share too much.  HA!  If they only knew how much I hold back!

For me, being bold is not only risky, it will require much care and thought.  Some say "you shouldn't care what others think', but God says "tame the tongue" and "those who teach will be judged more strictly." (James 3)  I must be very careful in my boldness.  I don't want to be silenced, but I do want to hold back when it does not give God glory.  

I don't know my audience!  I write to an open audience in hopes that God will use me for His glory.   That is risky.  It requires boldness I don't possess.  I write to encourage, I write to teach, I write to bring awareness, I write to clear my head, I write for therapy, I write to release emotions.  I write to give God glory, but I often write in code out of fear.  

So, what I am writing about today?  Again...that "backspace key" is winning with the most hits. 

2019 is a time to change.  I have too many negative influences in my life.  I want to surround myself with those who encourage my writing, my story-telling, my singing, and my vlogging.  I'm tired of being discouraged for being who I am!  I'm tired of being silenced.    I want to be BOLD!  I'm going to have to rid some toxic people in my life in order to move forward.   Do you have toxic people bringing you down?  I can relate.  Let's pray about it together:

Lord, give me discernment in the selection of people in my life.  I pray that You would take anyone who is not a godly influence out of my life or else transform that person into Your likeness.  Your Word says, "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed" (Proverbs 13:20)  Lord, please fill any void or grief over a lost friend or family member in my life.  Bring comfort when I am lonely.  Help me find true friends to connect and share my life with, and be the person You created me to be.  Help me be bold in my walk with Your son Jesus, and it is in His name I pray, AMEN! 


  1. You have the strength to be bold and the wisdom to remain in control and not become overbearing. I started purging the negative people and toxic attitudes from my life about three years ago. Once you clear the space, positivity has a chance to be nurtured and bloom.

  2. This is so encouraging to read this comment; I appreciate you taking time to read my blog Rob. It means a lot! Thank you!
