Sunday, September 30, 2012

Content in my own circumstances

You ever go to someone's house and wish you lived there?  You ever see a beautiful girl, and wish you looked like her?  You ever walk in a store, and want to buy everything in it?  
I am wiling to admit, I have done all of these things, and I have done them recently!

The Holy Spirit overwhelmed me today at church through Pastor Tom's message.  
Here are a few scriptures from today's message:

"Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:18
"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.  The eyes of The Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry.  Pslam 34:14-15
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones" Proverbs 14:30
"Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife." Proverbs 17:1

That last one really hit home with me.  Pastor Tom made the following statement: "It is not quantity, it is quality that brings peace."

I spent way too much time yesterday wanting my home to have more stuff in it.  I spent way too much time wishing I could afford plastic surgery and make myself more beautiful.  I can't tell you how humbled I am right now!  

When I arrived back home from today's church service, I looked real hard in the mirror and walked around my beautiful home and kept repeating "Thank you God", "Thank you God", Thank you God".

I spent sometime in prayer and then opened up my bible to Philipeans 4.  HIS words rang loud once again in verses 11-12..."Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need."

I sure have a lot to be thankful for...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Me, a sinner?

Dear Father, 
You have given me something to think about today; please be with me as I work to decipher what is on my mind.  

I grew up going to a Catholic school.  A few times a year, we were given the opportunity to speak confidentially to a priest and confess our sins.  As a kid, I always dreaded the task of trying to figure out what I did that was wrong.    I would struggle coming up with my sins.  I was a good kid.  I didn't do wrong.  This was always difficult for me.  I didn't steal, I didn't sneak out of the house, I didnt hit my friends, or disrespect my teachers.  I honored my parents (I actually feared not to, lol).  I really didn't think of myself as a sinner.

A nun once explained to me that every time we sin, our soul gets a black spot on it, and when we confess our sins to God through a priest, he washes our soul and makes it white again.  I always felt wonderful after I received the sacrament of confession.   I would tell the priest that I fought with my little sister,  or didn't empty the dishwasher when I was told, then I was given my "consequence" (say two "Hail Mary's" and an "Our Father"),  and my soul was cleansed white as snow, like a fresh start!

Later in my adult life, I didn't have quite as difficult a time knowing when I sinned.   I actually looked forward to when the sacrament of confession was being offered.  Not that it needed to be more than once or twice a year though.  I didn't sin often...well, at least I didn't realize I did.  

A few years ago, I started questioning my Catholic Faith.  I didn't question GOD, I just started questioning Man.  I started letting God guide me.  Not until recently, did I realize I need to strengthen my relationship with Christ.  Praying before bed each night and making a conscience effort to be a good person was not going to exactly get me to heaven.  God helped me understand there was a lot more than living with this one scripture:  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16  

This summer, I took a big step in my faith, and got baptized and started studying God's word on a daily basis.  I somehow have become very aware of how often I sin, everyday in fact!  The closer my relationship is with Christ, the more I become aware of my sins.  I am learning to acknowledge my daily sins, and grateful to be righteous with Christ through my baptism and not be bound by my sins.  Lord, please continue to make me aware of my sins everyday, so that I may repent and work to walk with you every day I am on earth until I am with you in heaven.  AMEN!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Read all directions before you begin....

Who would have thought setting up a blog would be so difficult.  I thought all I would have to do is just sit down and write!  

I am the type of person who rarely reads the directions when putting something together.  I typically look at the picture and dive right in!  Not until I am deep into the project, do I finally decide to pull out the instructions.  

Don't worry, I will get this blog up and running eventually.  Until then, you can laugh right along with me...who doesn't need a good laugh every now and then, right?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why do I blog

Ever since I learned about the blog world, I have wanted to have a blog of my own. I have kept many personal journals through the years. It has always been such good self-therapy!

Jotting down my thoughts has never been an issue; but starting a blog has certainly been a difficult task. Geesh, from trying to set up a username, a name for the blog itself, and address url for the blog, and typing up a is a wonder I am still interested in blogging at all!

I have hesitated to do this in the first place. Will anyone even read it? Do I WANT anyone to read it? Do I feel as comfortable with what I share, knowing that ANYONE has access to reading it? Will I write what I really think, knowing that I might be judged? Then, I had a nice long talk (weeks of talking actually) with GOD. And you know what, it doesn't matter, because HE is the ONLY Judge!

So, here I am....
Today, I want to share something I read. I was given a gift of a new bible this afternoon, and in the front cover was note from Biblica, Inc. titled "The DRAMA of the Bible in Six Acts. I am going to quote a segment:

"We can say the story of the Bible is a drama. The key to a drama is that it has to be acted out, performed, lived. It can't remain as only words on a page. A drama is an activated story. The Bible was written so we could enter into its story. It is meant to be lived. All of us, live our lives as a drama. We are on stage every single day. What will we say? What will we do? According to which story will we live? If we are not answering these questions with the biblical script, we will follow another. We can't avoid living by someone's stage instructions, even if merely our own. This is why another key to engaging the Bible well is to recognize that its story has not ended. God's saving action continues. We are all invited to take up our own roles in this ongoing story of redemption and new creation. So. welcome to the drama of the Bible. Welcome to the story of how God intends to renew your life, and the life of the world. God himself is calling you to engage with his word."

Well, how could I not start a blog after reading that? God gave me my blog name today! I want to write according to HIS will, as I share My Story in The Story. Come along with me; maybe HE will speak to you too *wink*