I was a natural athlete, and actually turned down several full-ride scholarships to Universities across the United States due to the distance away from my home. I really didn't care to go to college at all! I was "in love" with a boy from home, and I already had a great job, so in my mind, why go away. My parents encouraged me to extend my education, and helped me choose a University that was only a few hours away, and also I had two cousins already attending that same school.
If I did it all over again, I would have followed my passion for music and drama instead of Business Administration, but I had the job, so I went that route. I met many wondeful friends during my college days, but I can't say much for my education. I studied only enough to maintain my grades to keep my track scholarhsip.
After college, I was hired full time at the same manufacturer I had worked since I was 16. I learned pretty quickly, it is not always "what" you know, but also "who" you know. I managed to work my way up the corporate ladder and forgot all about my "dreams", until I met Chris, the TRUE love of my life! I was fairly confident then and very confident now, that this was GOD's plan for me all along!
Chris and I married in 1992, gave birth to our first son in 1994, moved out of our "starter home" into a "family home" in 1995, quit my career to become a stay-at-home mom and had our second son in 1996. We moved "back home" near our parents in 1998, and had our third son in 1999.
Of course, many things happened (good and bad) during those child bearing and moving years, but those incredible events will have to be seperate blogs....(I promise)...on to my next decade...
Kathy, I am loving these posts. It is like I am getting to know you!!