Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Forgiveness is hard, but necessary for healing

I am writing this late Monday night.
I woke up tired; really tired and knew today was going to be one of those drag your feet kind of days.
I even told my preschoolers during our morning circle time "Kiddos, Ms. Kathy is tired today!"

After preschool class ended, I stressed once more to my own four year old that momma was tired, and once we got home from the grocery store, I planned to plop down on the couch next to her and rest.

I suppose it IS too much to ask for a mother of four to rest in the middle of the afternoon.   Not long after I enjoyed a skype session with a dear friend, did I get a phone call from my son's middle school principal.  She was calling to let me know that my son had a very bad bloody nose from tripping and falling down.  She stated that it looked as if it needed E.R. attention.  Michael gets nose bleeds easily, and even though she was in a panic due to so much blood, I assumed once we washed it away and pinched it, all would be just fine.

So, I pulled my tired self off the couch and put Jessica in the car seat and drove to the school.  When I got there, I walked in on the football coach, the Principal and the vice-Principal all tending to MIchael's bloody nose.  Michael then came forth with the real story.  He had been punched in the face by another student.  Apparently, the boy threathed the other students near him that he was very annoyed and he wanted to punch somebody.   Unfortunately, no adults were present and the other boys did not take him seriously, so unfortunately, my son became his victim.

We are finally home after spending 4 1/2 hours in the E.R.  Michael has a broken nose.

I am finishing my vlog early the next morning (Tuesday) after very little sleep.  I am very sad for two reasons.  One, of course, that my son is hurt, but I am just as sad for the other boy.  My heart breaks to know of a 13 year old boy dealing with enough anger in his life to want to punch an innocent stand by.

This morning as I write this I am praying for several people:
Dear God,
I pray that Michael will heal quicky and not need surgery.
I pray for the other boy (to remain nameless in my blog), that he heal from what ever is causing him to have anger.  I pray for his parents, that they are a blessing in his life and seeking your guidance.
I pray for my husand, that he can learn the same forgiveness that Michael and I have learned.  He now has anger for the other boy and is judging his situation and his parents without even knowing them.   Lord, I realize only you know what they must be dealing with, and I am trying to help my husband understand that we must trust you to help them, and also lean on you to help us forgive.
I pray for all others that continue to hate and judge, that they trust you and accept Christ into their lives, for YOU are light, peace, and joy in every situation.  Thank you Father.

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